Larry has forever changed the way I approach acting. He provides the actor with the tools to have complete focus and concentration, adds the element of personalization, and helps the student create an interesting and beautiful character that serves both the play and the actor. He also is able to create such a safe environment for the actors to work, resulting in ultimate exploration and growth! He is the one the best Acting teachers I have encountered.
Uncanny insight into human behavior
Larry Singer has incredible passion for acting which equips him with this uncanny insight into human behavior. He helped me breakthrough emotional and artistic blocks and gave me the tools to handle any challenge I may find in my acting. He guided me in making strong choices and never let me get away with anything untruthful. A provocative, challenging teacher who not only inspired and motivated me but who also made me feel safe enough to fall on my face and was there to pick me back up, so I could try again.
— Sebastian La Cause
Kind focus and compassionate directness
Larry guided me with kind focus and compassionate directness. I recommend his class to beginners and experienced actors alike.
— Laura Benanti
Intuitive, generous, wise and skillful
Larry’s teaching has forever changed me as an actor. He is intuitive, generous, wise and skillful and he has taught me to apply all those qualities in my work. His love of the acting process and willingness to nurture that love in others has allowed me to create work that is honest, courageous, and fulfilling.